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Spiritual Resources: Honestly Good YouTubers!

I Do Not Own This Art

I have always been drawn to magic, witches, and spirits. There have been many occasions in my life, where people would come up to me and tell me how special I am or that I must be very intuitive, because of my mole. Recently, walking into a gas station a man literally stopped in his tracks and said: “You’re a Seer.”

He then proceeded to ask me what's the last thing I've dreamed about (having mind-reading powers) and what did I see for his future (nothing). He looked visibly disappointed that I was not actively "using my powers" and ended the conversation. As intrusive as that conversation was it got me thinking, what if this mole was sitting there for more than decoration? What if it symbolizes this deeper connection that I can have with the divine? So, I got on Amazon and ordered me a set of tarot cards. 

My daily practice with tarot cards has helped me develop and trust my intuition. It has also led me down the path of "Tarot-Tube." Tarot reading is the reading of incoming energy. But if you're lucky (or have a good reader), every now and then, you will get some messages from Spirit (God, the Universe, etc.). These messages are meant to be inspirational and not a prediction of the future. The control freak in me wanted to use them as the "say all be all," and I spent a year in a half in my feelings. But when I used it strictly as advice or confirmation of what I'm already feeling. It helped me trust my intuition. Below is a list of my favorite "Tarot-Tubers," I listen to them weekly, monthly, and sometimes daily!

Disclaimer, I have realized over time that some of my readers have some sort of placement in my chart. (i.e., they are an Aries Rising (I'm an Aries) or a Libra (and I'm a Libra Rising)) I found these readers by taking what resonances and leave the rest. If you're open to this and want to understand the Tarot, buy you a deck from amazon. Start with these readers and allow YouTube to guide you to the readers who speak best to you! Everything is energy, and when you ask for something, it will come to you. It's the law! 

April is the first on the list because she is one of my favorite people on YouTube. I visit her channel for her daily inspiration, which is a combination of tarot and oracle readings. She's a tarot reader who does intuitive, sign, element, romance, and oracle readings. She's candid, not only in the advice she gives but about herself and where she is along her journey. April has been imperative in keeping my mind on my vision, by reminding me to say "fuck my feelings and what's the truth." Sometimes her daily inspiration has been the only thing to get me through the day. When you are trying to build something or change your life, keeping your mind on the prize is imperative. She recently began a segment called the Fools Journey, videos to help you learn how to master your energy. Nothing but Spirit led me to her channel.  

I don't even know what to call Aluna, because she's not exactly a tarot reader, she's like a level up. She frequently gives energy updates, information on the moon cycles, group meditations, and offers practical advice on how to align with the incoming energies. Her element and sign readings are jammed pack with information. She uses tarot cards, channeled messages, moon cycles, and explain how it will all impact you and your birth chart. Her channel is my go-to when I'm feeling off out of nowhere. Aluna explains what's going on energetically (in the cosmos), how it will affect your body, and how to work with it. She's a resource! 

I randomly ran across one of Jess's videos and felt a kinder spirit. She has a bubbly and corky personality. As well as, a ton of useful videos on how to work your magic (law of attraction, candle magic, petitions, etc.). One thing that I love most about her channel is the weekly forecast. She posts videos on how to navigate the current week's energies. I use her videos truthfully, to figure out how I will be affected by other people. On Twitter, she does a good Tarot Talk, that gives you different questions to ask your tarot cards. She also has these "Pick A Card" video, that I use as an intuitive exercise. Another really good resource.

Lulu aka someone Auntie from Chicago, who needs her own show! It has witty one-liners paired with advice that you would only hear from a black woman. She does monthly and mid-monthly readings that she loves to call spiritual conversations. This woman is connected and isn't afraid to show that she talks to her spirit guides, which explains how she's able to give accurate information. For example, this one time, she mentioned that someone kept seeing water on the counter, and it was because of a leak. (Weird right).  I pop in on her when I'm looking for guidance or need a pick me up. 

 This gets an honorable mention because she reminds me of me! She smokes, she prays then she channels. No bullshit here. I like her honesty. She remembers her reading from previous months and doesn't shine away from saying what's necessary. She only gets an honorable mention because she's new to my rotation. 

One of my newer channels. What I enjoy is that she doesn't work with Tarot (she does spiritual animals) and gives daily messages on IG. On YouTube, she provides weekly information by sign and always pairs it with a channel message. She made the list because her daily IG post gives me life. They are quick, inspirational, and pretty! 

I hope they can add to your life as much as they have added to mine,


Until Next Time: 

“Dream them dreams. Then man-up and live them dreams, because a life without dreams is black and white. And the universe flows in technicolor and surround-sound.”- The Late Great Combat Jack!


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